Lisandra Laundry's Portfolio


Brookyn, NY. Some of my hobbies are drawing, reading manga, trying new
foods, and listening to music. Some more things about me is that I have
My name is Lisandra and I'm from Brooklyn dog named Ardee and even though he's kind of mean he's a good dog. He is a yorkie and looks something like this. My dog is 5 years old and he doesn't like strangers. I also enjoy talking to my friends.

Project 2:Binary Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet was created to be a tool for me. This screenshot shows the
conversions of the binary values that is used in computer science. The
process of this was first, I typed out the binary values. Afterwards, I
typed out the biinary digits. After I collected both data I converted them
by typing =sum(b4:14) in the 3rd row.

Project 3: Do I have a Right Analysis

During the first game my wins increased as my prestige increased.If you
compare day one with day 3 you can see that as I upgrade the amount of
clients are increasing.

On the second game I had less pristege because I was upgrading more. However,
I recieved more clients.With more clients my wins increased. The upgrades
didn't affect my loses because I picked the wrong Amendment for one of the

Project 5: Scratch Binary Program

Below I have my scratch program. This is a simple program used to practice programming langage. The picture at the top right corner is my sprite. It had many funtions and properties in it. The purpose of this program is to convert binary number into a regular 10 based number. Our focus is the 8 bit numbers.

First, I created my variables. I made a list and named it 10 based values. There I listed the values 128,64,32,16,8,4,2, and 1. Afterwards I created another list called bits. There I started with 0. Then I combined the bits and the values and added an event on top of it(an action). Then I started to convert my values. Afterwards I created another event which was when the sprite was clicked. With this we want to change the 128 if the bit is a 1. Then I created an operation and placed the bits inside it then under the convertions. I then duplicated it and listed thye amount of bits. Then I made my blocks. There I inserted the "check bit" under the converted variable. There I got my program. Project 6: Intro Java

The website Hackerrank is used to teach people about programming and it can also be used for job portflios. The purpose of Java was to print the inputs and the outputs. In order to do that we need to add the scan code. I copy pasted the code to scan each section the sumbitted. If you don't get the same scan it will be marked wrong. The public class void means it won't be returning to you. If you submit a different output it will be marked wrong. This program Java teaches us about how to scan different codes.

Project 7: Glitch Intro to CSS

CSS is used to design your website. To color my website I looked up a color wheel and I picked the code FF9292. I inserted the code by creating sections for each parts of my website, the head, body, and paragraphs. I made the font size for paragraphs 150% this font is ideal for my paragraphs because it's not too big or too small.

Project 11: Scratch

In this project I created and edited a story using scratch. This story is about a boy that goes hiking and ends up getting attacked by a bear. To create this story I used events. By using "when received ..." and "broadcast" we can make our program come to life. When I use the dialogue in "looks" I can make my characters say things. This also works the same when I use it for thoughts,changing character design and moving. Assignment 12: Glitch

Below I have a code I created using glitch. It has about 100 lines of code and it's about two stick figures admiring a garden of flowers. To create this code I used something similar to a template. From there I used lines and ecllipses to create my shapes. To change the size I used stroke and strokeWeight. To change the location I used a code I created to show me the x and y values. From there I inputed the values I wanted. To change the colors I used stroke and fill. To find the colors I'd look them up or just expiriment until I found the right shade.

Assignment 13: Scratch

In this assignment I used scratch to create and remix a game. In the first scratch link I remixed an angry birds game. I did this by fixing the bird and pig's movements so they made sense, meaning I made the pigs go back and forth and I removed the wall. When the bird touchs the pig your points go up and the goal is to basically get a high amount of points.

In the second scratch link I created my own game where a man is hunting in the woods. When the bullet touches the bear the points will go up by 3, fox is 2 points, and the rabbit is 1 point. Once the man hunts all the animals you will win. If you don't hit the animals before they reach you, you lose.

These links are the practitioner and professional levels. They took a few hours to complete after many errors but i finally got it. Overall, by using scratch I was able to fix an existing game and create my own playable game.

Assigment 14 Assignment 15:

The purpose of assigninment 15 is to present a tradition your family does each year. For this project I did my grandfather's Birthday because we always travel to Guyana for his Birthday. When we visit Guyana we always bring a barrel with stuff we don't want so people that want it can have it.

I demonstrated this by using scratch and creating something like a mini movie. To create this I used my knowledge of coding to change the background and move my sprites. Along with making the sprites move. To do that I used the recieved, broadcast, and the wait command. These commands are used to time when the sprites would speak and move. I also changed their costumes by duplicating and editing the sprite in the costume section. Assignment 17:
Phases of water & Water molecules
Solid: The particles are tightly packed and it has the least amount of kenetic energy. Definite volume and shape. Liquid: The particles are more loosely packed and they move around. It has a definite volume and it takes the shape of it's container Gas: Particles are loosely packed and they move rabidly. It does not have a definite shape or volume.

Ice is the solid state of H20. The solid takes a shape and it has a definite volume. Water is the liquid form of H20. It takes the shape of it's container(shown in the cup above) and it had a definite volume. Water vapor is the gas state of H20. It does not have a definite shape of volume as shown in the photo above.

I created my chart by using the code " and " This created the boxed I put my description of the phases of water. For the scratch program I moved the molecules by using the recieve and broadcast command. I also used the forever command to make the molecules move without me having to click them. In order to change the direction of the molecules as they moved I used the operator command and set it to -1,1. The motion commands also contributed to the movement of the molecules. At the end I added a list to organize the difference between farenheit and celcius.

Assignment 18:

This project is based on a revolution you would want to start. I used scratch to create an animation representing my revolution. I picked a nutritional revolution for healthier school lunch. 

I made it interactive where you can create your own lunch. I didn't add a penalty to any of the choices because there are no bad choices. The purpose is just to choose food you might enjoy.

To do this I used the recieve and broadcast command to set certain actions to different moments in the program. I also used the duck sprite to explain my project and instruct you on how to work it. When the flag is clicked the food sprites are hidden until they receive their categories' command. Once they receive the command I set their positions using the "looks" section. Once the sprite is clicked it will glide onto a section of the plate and the other options will disappear. 

Assignment 22

In my 1st bridge I have my working one. In this bridge I made it by using about 588K dollars. In order for this bridge to work I used rectangular shapes and triangles to create a stable bridge. I used solid bars of carbon steel that were 140x140.

My second bridge is my cheap bridge. This bridge was built 4 meters above ground. I used the default material which was the 140x140 solid bar of carbon steel. The price of this was about 300K.

My 3rd bridge is my expensive one.It cost 21M. This was created using the most expensive material which is quenched tempered steel. I also used the thickest which is 500x500

My 4th bridge is my designed one. I did two for this project. They were both created at the highest elevation(40 meters). The heart design used 500x500 of quenched tempered steel. This bar had a gray color that looked nice when designing the heart. The other design is "abstract" so it looks crazy. This was created using 140x140 of carbon steel.

My 5th bridge is the one that kills the truck. This bridge was created 4 meters above ground. This was created by using the cheapest materials which was carbon steel of 140x140. Once the truck gets on the bridge it will collapse and drive into the water.

Assignment 22

The 10 line bridge was created by using two squares and 8 extra lines of clode. To create the box I did rect(x,y, width, height). For the codes to work i needed to create them under the void draw (). In order to create the lines I used the code "line(x1,y1,x2,y2)". Combined this was used to create the base and the outline to the top of the bridge.
The 20 line bridge was visibaly more stable. In this one I created my basic structures for the middle and bottom of my bridge. I also started to create a bit of the top. To do this I used the same code as the one used previously.
The line 30 bridge I connected the top of my bridge to my base. I also started to fill in the middle and bottom of the bridge so it would be more stable. I connected them by creating a kite like shape and making sure there weren't too many empty spaces.
The line 40 bridge I decided to change the color of the bridge. To do this I had to use stroke(rbg code). The colors I used were gray and black. To code this I had to search the code for gray which is (128,128,128) and black is (0,0,0). I also added some more bars to strengthen the top and middle of my bridge.
The line 50 bridge is my final product. I connected my lines and attempted to make my bridge symmetrical. This is shown in the picture to the right and it was created using the same coding format mentioned before. I used strokeWeight(8) so my bridge bars were not too thin.
Assignment 23

In this assignment I created a birthday card for Kyra since it was her birthday recently. I did this by using recieve commands and changing the costume of the sprite so it moves when clicked. I also used the wait command so I could time the animation properly.

In order to complete this assignment and upload the video I screen recorded to my google drive and embed the file. When creating the code I inpute the command "when this sprite is clicked" so that even I click the card or the balloon the card will open by changing costumes and the balloon will disappear revealing the confetti. For the letter I hid them using the "looks" command and showed then once the card was open.

Assignment 27: Basic Game

The theme of my game will be a girl saving stray cats and avoiding the obsticle of a glass shard. I chose this theme because i wanted to show a girl saving cats. As she collects money her score will go up. If she steps on a rock 3 times it will be game over. The point of the game is to get as much money as possible. I think this will be fun because i dont plan on making the game difficult to complete. This is why I gave her 3 lives so the person playing has a few chances before the sprite gives up.